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2010 - 2011       


Beyond Borders and Differences Credit
Long feature composed by 7 short movies inspired by the Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion.”


Filmmakers: Tata Amaral, Fanny Ardant, Hüseyin Karabey, Masbedo, Idrissa Ouédraogo, Jafar Panahi, Robert Wilson


Under the auspices of : The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, Council of Europe


In partnership with: SESC São Paulo, ARTE France


Produced by ART for The World


Co-produced by: Filmmaster, Milan and Rome, Dorjefilm, Rome


With the support of: Loterie Romande, City of Geneva, DOSTA! Campaign, Regione Emilia Romagna, Cineteca Bologna, Foundation Solares, Parma, Italy


Special thanks to: UNRIC, FIFDH Geneva, Open Care, KEA European Affairs, Artmedia, Cofigen, Jean Altounian, Afsané Bassir-Pour, Claudio Bergamin, Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni, Beatrice Bulgari, Remi Burah, Marco Cabassi, Patrice Chegard, Marijn Duijvestein, Alberto and Nicole Fanni, Laura Galasso, Annamaria Gambuzzi, Anna Maria Gallone, Vahe Garbach, Thérèse Gastaut, Michael Guet, Léo Kaneman, Emmanuel Kattan, Parissa de Montenach, María Ochoa-Llidó, Roberto Olla, Robert Palmer, Raphy Sarkissian, Danilo Santos de Miranda, Marc Scheuer, Luca Tontodonati, Jordi Torrent, Eleni Tsetsekou, Igor Valas, Jörn Weisbrodt, Irene Weidmann, Elisabeth Ziegler



Concept and Production: Adelina von Fürstenberg

Music and Soundtrack:Michael Galasso

Executive Producer: Flaminio Zadra

Production and                               

Distribution Assistant: Laura Frencia

Post-production Supervisors:Damien Molineaux, Franco Casellato

Graphic Designer:Francesca di Giamberardino

Administration : Monserrat Del Valle/ Cofigen

Special Consultants: Philippe Kern, Serge Mangel, Fulvio Salvadori, Yvon Thiec, Egon von Fürstenberg



The long feature was produced in two stages: a first series of five short films by Tata Amaral, Fanny Ardant, Idrissa Ouédraogo, Masbedo and Robert Wilson produced in 2010, and a full version with seven shorts including two additional short movies by Jafar Panahi and Hüseyin Karaby, released in 2011.

27 May, 2010: screening of the first series at the Museum of Modern Art of Rio de Janeiro, on the occasion of the opening of the 3rd Forum of the Alliance of Civilizations of the United Nations, in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil.

1 September, 2010: world premiere screening of the short movie The Accordion by Jafar Panahi at Venice Days, in the context of the 67th edition of the Venice Film Festival. The short was co-produced by Dorje Film, Rome, in partnership with SESC São Paulo and ARTE France, with the support of the Department of Culture of the City of Geneva and the Region of Emilia-Romagna, Cineteca di Bologna, and the Solares Fondazione delle Arti, Parma.


29 October, 2010: screening of the new version of the short movie Chimères Absentes by Fanny Ardant at the Rome Film Festival. The short movie is associated with the Council of Europe's Dosta! campaign seeking to overcome the prejudices towards Roma people.


4 March, 2011: screening of the full version with 7 short movies at the International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights (FIFDH) in Geneva.



During 2010-2011, both the long feature and the single shorts were screened in the international film festivals of Montreal, New York, Istanbul, Yerevan Golden Apricot Film Festival, AFI Fest Los Angeles, Abu Dhabi, Festival of Liberties, Brussels, São Paulo, Glasgow, Portland, Milan, Amsterdam, Jeonju, Sydney, Melbourne, Sarajevo, Kabul, Interfilm Berlin, Seattle, Mardin, Sofia, Kiev, Prague, Florence, and Regensburg Short Film Week, among others.

Other screenings were organized by international organizations such as Amnesty International in London, in museums and art centers such as ZKM Karlsruhe, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco, as well as in theaters and cinematheques such as Cineteca Bologna, Cinema Farnese Rome, Cinémathèque de Paris, and Filmoteca De Catalunya in Barcelona.



No darkness will make us forget by Hüseyin Karabey was awarded the Adana Golden Boll for Best Short Animation in the Mediterranean Short Film Competition of the Adana Film Festival, Turkey, in September 2011, and the Best Short Film Award of the Pomegranate Film Festival, Canada, in December 2011.



Runtime: 55 minutes

Subtitles: English, French


The short movies:

Carnaval dos Deuses by Tata Amaral (color, 7 min., Portuguese)

Chimères Absentes by Fanny Ardant (color, 12 min., Italian and Romanì)

No darkness will make us forget by Hüseyin Karabey (b/w and color, 10 min., Turkish)

Distante un padre by Masbedo (color, 7 min., Italian)

La longue marche du caméléon by Idrissa Ouédraogo (color, 6 min., French)

The Accordion by Jafar Panahi (color, 8 min., Farsi)

GAO by Robert Wilson (color, 3 min., no dialogue)

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